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Planned To Perfection

Our long run of planning successes continues with permission being granted for the first Facit Home in Essex. This was one of the more sensitive sites we are currently working on, being set within a Conservation Area.

With positive feedback from our pre-application discussions with the council we proceeded to the full application with a design incorporating asymmetric pitched roof elements. However, we always keep in close dialogue with the planners throughout the determination period, rather than just sitting back with our fingers crossed. In this way we can act on any potential issues that arise and work with the planners to ensure a good result.

In this instance a fair amount of discussion and negotiation was required to navigate the tricky planning waters. The design evolved during the process, going through a few iterations until we reached something that our clients loved and the local authorities would support. Although there were only very minor amendments to the floor plans, we moved to a flat roof design with the form of the building becoming expressed more in vertical rather than horizontal elements. It retains is bold, contemporary presence and promises to be a great architectural addition to the village.

The team have been pressing ahead with the technical design in anticipation of starting work on site first thing in the New Year.

Project leader, Luba, is getting the programme in place and tendering for demolition of the existing property whilst another of our architects, David, is working on the foundations. Unlike many other companies, we don’t expect our clients to arrange the ground works themselves; it is all part of our service.


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