Facit Homes is the proud new owner of the ‘Timber Frame Project of the Year’ award from the Structural Timber Awards 2020.
Stour House in Suffolk is one of our most ambitious project to date and we’re very proud to have it recognised by another industry voice, after winning ‘Best Out of London Home’ at the Evening Standards Awards in 2019.

Set in an incredible rural location, this home really shows off the architectural possibilities of our timber Facit Chassis, so on Wednesday afternoon we excitedly tuned into the virtual platform to view the Structural Timber Awards ceremony. We interacted with the ‘expo’ rooms they had created for networking and found the event to be a celebratory occasion for the many extraordinary projects entered.
After experiencing the first part of the awards, seeing the many worthy entries and winners and carefully watching our ‘Custom & Self Build Project of the Year’ category, we got back to work. This meant that we actually missed the second part of the ceremony - where our surprise award for the ‘Timber Frame Project of the Year’ was announced!
It’s a lesson learnt for future virtual events! Thankfully, our lead architect Fanis was keeping a watchful eye on things and informed the team.
This category is “awarded to the overall highest scoring entry for a project built using Timber Frame technology” and we are very grateful for this recognition.

A big thanks to the Structural Timber Awards team for their organisation and perseverance in these difficult times. It was great to have a positive afternoon with familiar industry names, albeit online. Congratulations to all finalists and winners!
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